anna kostenko art

anna kostenko art

anna kostenko art

Kostenko was born in 1975 in the city of Kiev in The Ukraine, Poland since 1991.She has travelled extensively and has exhibited in many countries including Ireland, Poland, France, Germany and Spain.She is currently represented by Jorgensen Fine Art in Ireland and by Schlossgalerie in Germany.
1993 - Enrols at The Academy of Fine Art, Krakow. Solo Exhibition in Gallery ACK Rotunda, Krakow;
Awarded a distinction in The Landscape in Modern Art Exhibition at The Municipal Palace of Art, Krakow;
1994 - Lives and works in New York for a three month period;
1996 - Participates in the Józef Czapski Painter-in-Residence scheme in Lailly-en-Val, France;
1997 - Subsequent exhibition in The French Institute of Culture in Krakow. Awarded The Professor Jan Szancenbach bursary to work in Paris
Participates in Szancenbach & Followers Exhibition in The Gallery of Modern Art, Nuremberg; 1998 - Graduates from The Academy of Fine Art, Krakow. Solo Exhibition at The Municipal Palace of Art, Krakow. Participates in The Christmas Exhibition, Jorgensen Fine Art, Dublin. Participates in The Spring Exhibition, Jorgensen Fine Art, Dublin. Participates in The Oriental Show, Opera Gallery, Paris;
1999 - Solo Exhibition, Jorgensen Fine Art, Dublin;
2000 - Lives and works in Palma de Mallorca, Spain for a sixth month period. Visits Ireland for a two month period and works on a cycle of Irish landscapes;
2001 - Solo Exhibition, Schlossgalerie, Jever, Germany;
2002 - Solo Exhibition, Jorgensen Fine Art, Dublin.
2003 -Solo Exhibition, Poznan ,Krakow.
2005-Solo Exhibinion,Krakow.
2007-Solo Exhibition, Krakow,Kiew
"Faces of Humaniti"
The ethnic issue has always been one of the main themes of my work over the past 15 years ... it unites in itself, many cycles of works such as "Òhe Masks» ( «Masks"), "Mothers and Babys thе of World», «Different peorle and Finally the project "Faces of Humanity», a work in progress ... This theme is a lot to me, has different aspects.
Initially, many cycles appeared unconscious. Just instinct led me painter, delight, admiration color, color, texture, dark skin, and beauty of different forms.
And as the desire to learn, comprehend, or at least at the moment to touch the mystery of these people.
Later came the moment of penetration, a certain spiritual affinity, portraying them, I got them, and they me. Eventually, after a long-awaited moment of travel, not only on the canvas, but in life, I had a unique opportunity and great pleasure from dialogue with the characters of their works.
Their natural harmony, the pursuit of beauty in all conditions, their symbiosis with nature, courage, and at the same time unshakable joy in life, their spirituality, the diversity of experiences of pain and joy, and many other aspects of humanity have become a strong and unique discovery for me. Being engaged in professional painting all her life, I was working with different materials, various galleries, and different people to implement various projects and exhibitions in different countries, and therefore have very different viewers. But it is staying true to the theme Differences of people and their beauty in their natural coloring - painting became for me a lot more than my professional business.
This topic gave me the opportunity to experience the fullness of the intellectual dialogue of the artist with the audience. Dialogue with the audience, which recounts some history, as well as with those of which tells the heroes of my stories. The project "Faces of Humanity» ( «People of the world") is also a message to the ideas of tolerance, acceptance, respect and admiration of cultivated varieties of mankind, to understand its beauty in its difference and uniqueness.
I am grateful to the Gallery "Triptych" for the first presentation of my work in Kiev, and especially for the opportunity to show at least partially, this particular project. I hope that the viewer will find in my paintings the joy of admiration for people of the world, which I feel, creating them.
Anna Kostenko